First of all, this happened around 1005 A.D. when the Pope put together forces to combat the Muslim forces that already existed and were preventing pilgrimages by Christians to the Holy Land. Obama went way back into history to attack Christians. Keep in mind, Jesus never advocated violence but Muhammed told his followers to kill people (infidels), who don't convert to Islam.
Have Christians attacked innocent Muslims over the let's say, last 500 years? Have they flown planes into buildings? Beheaded people? Used sex slaves? Only one religion is tied to terrorism at this point and that is Islam; we'd be stupid to not keep this in mind.
Next, Christians aren’t the only people worried about Islamic Terrorists so why specifically target them in his speech; you'd think he was Muslim with the things he said. I truly found his speech very troubling. Exactly what moral high ground did he think he was taking?
Christian organizations are all around the world helping people in need regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. because it’ a religion of love. Are Muslim organizations helping people around the world with clothing, food, medicine, water, etc.? Not in my city. Obama picked the wrong team with this one when he went to demonize Christians.
What Obama said during this White House Prayer Breakfast was disgusting yet the media didn't look for things to attack him on like they're doing with Trump so he got a pass for singling out and attacking Christianity (a.k.a. religious persecution). Could you imagine if the roles were reversed and Trump called out Muslims? Democrats and the mainstream media would’ve gone wild.