What’s happened to us? These people who committed crimes committed them against other Hispanics and African Americans. They aren’t generally as much of a danger to people outside their race as they are their own. What about their victims’ rights? Why don’t African Americans and Hispanics step up and say they won’t take it anymore. I truly don’t get it.
As for the mayor of Oakland, she needs to do some time in the tank for obstruction of justice. It isn’t alleged it’s already proven what she did, shoot she admits to what she did. If you or I would do the same type thing she did, we’d be arrested.
The fact is people in public office are the elites. They make more money on average than people in the private sector, have better benefits, good retirements, etc. Add to this the fact that getting convicted of anything is extremely hard to do and you can see they have awesome lives.
Lock her up!