When I was in the military I don't believe I took any sick days. I was ready to serve. The additional money it would cost to pay for ongoing medications and the surgery and more importantly the tremendous amount of downtime throughout the entire process, is sickening. Unless a transgender is a way better soldier/sailor, why should taxpayers pay more for them? What other ideas do Democrats have to hurt our military? I'm sure plenty.
What in God's name have we let happen?
- 70 years of "progressive" education happened.
- Political correctness (or "re-education") happened.
- Lack of God's name happened.
- Lack of personal responsibility happened.
- Lack of personal integrity and honesty happened.
- Lack of respect and loyalty to our country happened.
Please get engaged and stop this liberal wave of insanity. If you don't know your representatives, start now. Call and write until they can't take it anymore. Thanks!!