I heard an Inspector General state that two employees in I.T. went to the head of the I.T. Department stating that according to the Federal Records Act that Secretary of State Clinton should not have her own email server because it would be illegal. The I.T. Director told them that it was cleared through legal (which the I.G. said they found out wasn't true), and that they weren’t to bring up the topic again.
The I.T. Director then pleaded the 5th and wouldn't explain his comment about it going through legal. Then the I.G. wanted to talk to Hillary who refused to talk to them. Of course, we know what happened after this and that is Hillary would only speak in her home, without being under oath, and without any recording devices. She controlled the investigation not the FBI. The FBI blew it. I can't say they did so on purpose, but they let a guilty person go free.
Hillary was guilty why else would everyone in her camp associated with the email server plead the 5th even after they were given immunity? Let this sink in. They wouldn't testify even if they wouldn't get in trouble.
Democrats were in such a hurry to go after Trump that they didn't consider it might open Pandora's Box. Whoops! Maybe if Trump is guilty of any crimes he and Hillary can do hard time together. My guess is after a few days Trump would be begging for the needle.