Some of the most popular articles in newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Washington Post are the Op-Ed pieces (opinion articles), that are written by people who don’t work for the newspaper. They’ll list who wrote the article when in fact many times the person getting credit didn’t even write it.
Without disclosure and certainly without transparency, many articles over the last eight years came from members of lobbyists groups, the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party. They write articles that will help push whatever agenda they have whether its climate change or healthcare and then find people who are willing to claim authorship so readers won’t know where the information is really coming from. These major newspapers know what’s going on but the fact is the Op-Ed’s wouldn’t be as popular if readers knew it was propaganda. The problem is sometimes these opinion pieces are legit but it’s difficult to tell.
It’s kind of the same process when authors use ghost writers. The most successful New York Times best-selling author is James Patterson. He has supposedly written over 100 books in the last ten years. Let’s face it, that would be physically impossible but a lot of people don’t realize that in many cases they’re not reading an actual James Patterson book; they are being duped. So the bottom line is readers of newspapers are often being duped as well by these Op-Eds.
I would like to elaborate though that it isn’t just a Democrat or Obama tactic, as I’m sure that Trump will play some of the same games but the problem he’ll have is he won’t get liberal newspapers (which are most of the major ones), to run conservative Op-Eds, at least not many.
I’ve got to say that I find the practice disgusting because at its core it’s lying. There’s even a group of U.S. Journalists who have pushed for “Op-Ed Transparency” but haven’t gotten anywhere. By the way, the New York Times is the first newspaper that came out with Op-Ed’s back in 1970.
I’m so sick of both parties misleading taxpayers but I don’t see it ever ending. My hope with this article is that if you didn’t know how these major newspapers were using Op-Ed’s that you do now and will question their authenticity. I find it very sad that the truth has become so hard for us to find.