1)The best thing you can do for your children is lead by example. Any characteristics you want them to possess should be modeled by you because they certainly won't believe what you say but they believe what they see.
2) It's easy to become upset by your child's behavior when they're a teen and it can sometimes seem like they'll never grow out of it, but they will, unfortunately it can last several years. This is when you need to stay the course and not allow your teen to wear you down.
During this time, you're generally not dealing with a logical human being; it's not their fault, its human nature. This is what they want. If they can cause you to put your hands up in the air and give up, then they've won. Some people call it: The Seven Year War. Sounds ugly, but it can sometimes be part of the parental journey. Not always though because I know of so many kids who were awesome teenagers.
3) You're not totally responsible for your child's successes but this means you're also not solely responsible for their failures so don't beat yourself up. Throughout history there are examples of terrible people who had great parents and vice-versa. There are billions of people in the world, but God wired us differently which means there's only so much influence we can have on someone. I personally believe that some children are a bad seed (evil), so there's nothing some parents could or could've done to change them.
4) The Bible says to teach your children what they need to be successful in life, which of course includes personal character, and then turn them loose. It also says that's it's likely your child will stray from the principles you taught him, but someday he'll likely get back on track. Hopefully a good track that you partly laid. The only regret you should have as a parent is if you didn't try to do what was right. If in the moment, you always did what you thought was best for your child, then great job!
5) If you think how you raise your children is no one's business, I think you're wrong. Someday, your children will be a part of the success or failure of our great country. They will impact the lives of everyone who is a U.S. citizen, and therefore a parent's role is critical so please don't take it lightly.
Everywhere around me, with my friends and family, I get the honor of seeing some tremendous parents; not all of them do it the same way, but the results are amazing.Thanks so much for the blood, sweat, and tears, you've put into leading by example through your parenting. I hope you know how much I respect you!