1) Not a single person whether it's Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or other liberals, can explain the difference between what they call Democrat/Socialism and just socialism; it's funny to watch them try.
2) None of these new Democrat/Socialist can tell us what tax codes would be necessary to pay for free college tuition, paying off student debt, and keeping a national healthcare system going. They don't tell us who they consider rich such as $250K a year, $500K year, what is it? Then what tax bracket would these rich people be in, 70%, 80%, 90%? What is it? The reason they don't give specifics is because if they did, the math couldn't possibly add up. People in all economic spectrums would have to take huge tax hikes to help pay for the "free" stuff because there aren't enough rich people to pay the bills. Not even close.
3) We're already over $21T in debt and growing rapidly, how can we afford anything else? We're not even paying our bills now.
4) There are no successful socialists’ countries. Liberals like to point at Nordic countries but it's not true. While a few have socialized medicine, they have capitalists’ governments because socialism can't survive without capitalism, it never has in the history of mankind.
5) The reason a few countries like Norway and Sweden can offer a version of national healthcare is due to two primary things: a) They're small countries so healthcare is more easily managed. Los Angeles is larger than any of these countries. b) Their healthcare is less expensive because they are healthier. Obesity is a huge problem in our country and it leads to all kinds of additional healthcare costs. Whereas so many liberals mention how great it is to live in these countries, citizens their make less money on average and they pay more for most products and services so in the end, they're paying a lot for their "free healthcare." This is a little something liberals like to leave out of the story.
The bottom line is that there isn't a single Democrat who has socialists’ views who can explain how our country could possibly afford providing even more benefits for our citizens. They can't tell us how to pay down our current debt. They won't tell us what the income brackets would be and what percent of taxes each bracket would pay. It's shocking that Sanders made it as far as he did with absolutely no specifics. Listening to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez try to explain what her plans are, is embarrassing.
It doesn't take a genius to point out problems like these liberals do, what they aren't doing is providing viable solutions. I don't know what it will take to get through to these young people who are being indoctrinated into socialism. They don't even understand that the reason they can attend college, is because of capitalism. How about that for irony? Listening to these rich kids whose parents are spending tens of thousands of dollars every year to send them to college, attacking capitalism, is infuriating. If I were one of these parents and saw one of my children trashing our country, I'd pull them out of their fancy college and make them work part-time and go to a technical school; but that’s just me.