Apparently word is getting out about the Mueller investigation and it's bad news for Democrats. They found no collusion between Trump and Russia. With this in mind, they can't get him on obstruction of justice or witness tampering because he had no motive.
The leaders of the Democrat Party are going to demand that the transcripts of the report be released to the American people. They know that Mueller can't release everything because some of it is classified as it dealt with confidential sources. It involved some CIA agents as the FBI is responsible for issues domestically but the CIA had to be involved because Russia was part of the equation. Democrats know there's no way Mueller can give them everything.
There's a lot of things that will be redacted from the report. A simple way around it is to have a confidential meeting with applicable representatives from both parties so they can share the classified information but Democrats are going to say this isn't enough that they want all Americans to know what's in the report. They're going to demand transparency knowing that for national security reasons Mueller won't be able to oblige. They know that most Democrats won't have a clue that Mueller can't provide the information by law, so they'll use their ignorance against them and our country.
So they plan on claiming there's a cover-up and are going to use this as fuel to legitimatize their own investigations. All the work that the Mueller team has done for over two years will be erased by their lies. Of course none of these disgusting tactics would be deployed if Trump were found guilty.
There has always been political discourse, but in my lifetime I've seen it become dangerous; it's now Party over country. We are in more danger when it comes to our personal lives from our very own representatives than domestic terrorists and I'd gladly debate this point with anyone.
Anyhow, this is how Democrats roll. They're already thinking ahead as to what they're going to do when Trump is cleared. They're strategizing about how to lie to their constituents to convince them they are fighting the good fight against evil.