Let me repeat, since it’s such a big story and the media refuses to cover it, a CNN anchor said white men are dangerous. Please let this sink in. Democrats have a ground game. They are organized and if Hannity would’ve made a racist comment, they’d be all over it. They’d inundate advertisers with emails and phone calls to get them to stop advertising. They have a platform through the mainstream media and social media, to write articles and have news segments that would force someone like Hannity to resign. They can quickly organize paid protestors to show up at places like Fox Studios.
Conservatives don't have this kind of expertise. They don't have a ground game. When things like what Lemon said occur, conservatives get livid but don't know what to do about it. I don't know how to make it happen, but we better do something to become organized because we're fighting with one hand tied behind our back while being beaten to death. Republicans better figure out how to be political activists, before socialism takes over our country.