1) The DNC’s fund raising has crashed and burned this year only bringing in half the funds the RNC has been able to generate. Why? This is where I speculate. I believe part of the reason is their corruption. The last three leaders of the DNC have been caught in horrendous lies over unethical practices. Also, the emails that came out of the DNC and directly from Podesta’s account, were an absolute embarrassment to Democrats who still care about integrity.
2) The conservative organizations who sued the IRS for targeting them won the lawsuit and the IRS has had to give a formal apology and pay a settlement (I don’t know how much yet). I’d be shocked if anyone who watched the hearing doubted the deplorable treatment these organizations received. Keep in mind, the IRS originally blamed the corruption on rogue agents in the Cincinnati field office which was a lie as the directive was found to have come from the top. I think it’s horrendous that they tried to throw these employees under the bus.
But this is what I want you to really think about; none of the employees involved were fired. The head of the IRS who was proven directly involved, Lois Lerner, was allowed to resign after pleading the 5th, and receive her full pension. Then there’s the ugly fact that it’s not the IRS who will be paying the settlement, you and I will. It’s our money. If you’re a Republican, you’re paying for corruption by the Democrat Party. Not grammatically correct, but this ain’t right!