Women have a right to abortions according to Roe v. Wade, but they don't have a right to have the government pay for it. We have a right to free speech, but we can't expect the government to provide us with our own radio show so we can share our supposed wisdom. We have freedom of religion, but don't have a right for the government to build our church. We have a right to posses weapons, but don't have a right to expect the government to pay for them.
No Constitutional scholar could possibly prove that government sponsorship of healthcare and abortions, is required by law. As citizens we can decide if we want to pay for such things, but it's not the law of the land and I feel like way too many Democrat/Socialists are out there upsetting people thus dividing our country, by convincing people it is their right.
Young people don't have a right to a free college education. They don't have a right to have their college loans paid off by the Federal Government. Why should they get money to pay off their loans, they were blessed by having the opportunity to attend college, many young people aren't. The young people who couldn't get into college could use the money more than the spoiled college students who believe in socialism. If they truly believed in socialism shouldn't they refuse the money and give it to people in greater need? They're clueless. Anyhow, my two, maybe three, cents worth.