The high court is hearing arguments in which the justices are being asked to overrule the court’s historic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion and its 1992 ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which reaffirmed Roe. Under those decisions, states can regulate but not ban abortion up until the point of viability, at roughly 24 weeks.
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito were among those who questioned where the 24 weeks originally came from since they didn't see any real science involved. Who placed viability at 24 weeks? No answers have been given. With advanced technology, some justices are seeing it more viable to identify life now, than when an infant reaches the stage of life through an arbitrary standard which became 24 weeks.
From a constitutional perspective, I believe life begins when the heart begins beating which can be around 10 weeks. I say this because life ends by any standard around the world, when the heart stops beating. It's common sense. It's logical. It's scientific. So, with the few exceptions of overall health of mom like incest, rape, etc., I don't believe people have the legal right to kill an infant whose heart is beating. I don't believe it is moral based on my belief system which by the way, does include the use of science.
I realize people are passionate on both sides of the argument and I hope we all understand that in the end, we must follow our Constitution. Not everything we believe in from a Christian perspective is a legal issue. Jesus was clear about this. He said we needed to follow the laws of the land unless they are immoral and non-righteous. Then we are to speak up, not take up arms necessarily.
I don't know why some people on both sides really get vicious over this critical topic when the fact is, everyone's trying to do what's right according to their ideology. Based on what most believe on both sides of the issue, I don't think we're talking about a bunch of evil people; but that's how some of them treat each other especially during protests.