His son, Sam Houston Jr., was born in 1843. He began service in the confederacy in 1861. On April 7, 1862, at the famous Civil War battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston Jr., was struck in the back by a bullet. He was knocked to the ground and would likely have died had it not been for his mother’s Bible, which he carried in his knapsack. Ripping through the pages, the lead ball stopped directly over the 70th Psalm, which reads, “You are my help and my deliverer” (verse 5).
After the war, Sam went to medical school in Pennsylvania and became a doctor. But he later gave up his practice for writing. He married Lucy Anderson, and the couple had three children. Years later, after his wife died, Sam became melancholy and went to live with his sister Margaret. After eight years he passed away at the age of 51.
Sam Houston Jr. was literally saved by the Word of God. The Bible he carried actually stopped a bullet. I believe we're under a spiritual attack. The weapons being used aren't guns and knives, worse, extreme liberal ideology. The spiritual warfare of Satan is subtle and meant to destroy us forever. Sorry, I know a lot of people don't like thinking there's a devil. God has provided Christians with armor and weapons and they are found in God's Word. Let's be great warriors for our Father. Let's read up and pray up. We're on the winning team...because we know in the end, love conquers all. Amen.