Then of course we have the case of Sergio Martinez in the sanctuary city of Portland who has committed many crimes and was deported 20 times. ICE asked Portland’s local authorities to let them know when they were ready to release Martinez so they could get him out of the country but they refused because of their sanctuary city status.
After he was released he sexually assaulted two women (one 65 years old), and stole her car. To add insult to injury, the citizens of Portland will be paying for his defense lawyer with their tax dollars. Some liberals are so concerned about the rights of illegal immigrants that they’re forgetting about the rights of actual U.S. citizens to be protected.
Politicians in these sanctuary cities (Democrats), like to make it sound like they can’t afford to hold prisoners but this doesn’t make sense because ICE would gladly remove illegals from their jail system and get them out of the country as quickly as possible. When has a Democrat cared about costs? In other words, it’s a ridiculous argument. There’s one reason why these politicians do what they do and it’s all about winning elections and in some of these voting districts Hispanics are the majority.
The above two scenarios are perfect examples of why we need the Electoral College because if the mentality of the voters in these sanctuary cities were allowed to dictate policies for an average American, our country wouldn’t survive.