I just finished watching a video of Michael Knowles at a college campus being cussed out and called a fascists because he supported President George Washington. OMG! They were saying that Washington was an imperialists when the truth is he couldn't stand imperialism. He didn't like Britain's empire building.
But the truth doesn't matter to these young people. It's truly mind-blowing that they are living in a pseudo world created by liberals. I can't help but wonder who their parents are? Did they grow up in far-left households to where they're brainwashed in liberalism or did it happen in college?
For a public university to propagate like they're doing, is shameful. Quit giving them our tax dollars until they stop steering political ideology. It's sickening that my money is going to liberal farms growing future Democrats.
It's madness. Parents are spending easily $35K a year to send their kids to a cult. It's both scary and sad and we'd better do something about it before our nation crashes and burns.