Once again, the Left is going crazy over school shootings blaming the NRA, Trump Administration, and Republicans in general for the loss of lives. If this is the case, where was their outrage during the Obama Administration as there were numerous deadly school shootings in elementary, middle-schools, high schools, even at some colleges? Democrats held the Legislative Branch and Executive Branch for over 18 months and they could’ve done anything they wanted; why didn’t they? Why weren’t people marching in the streets then screaming at the Obama Administration for not caring? This is the double-standard Republicans must live with.
There are no easy fixes to the problem. More gun control wouldn’t have stopped these sick individuals from getting their hands on weapons and try and murder as many people as they could. It wouldn’t have mattered if assault rifles were banned as they could’ve easily purchased one on the black market plus most of the shooters didn’t use assault weapons they used handguns, regular rifles, and shotguns. The Left doesn’t want anyone to focus on this truth as it goes against their narrative.
We should allow any school that would like to arm certain personnel with firearms, that opportunity. There’s no doubt in my mind that a potential shooter would be concerned about attacking a school when he doesn’t know who in the school is packing a firearm. They want to attack schools that are gun free zones which makes perfect sense.
The fact is, it’s not the guns it’s the shooter. Anything that can be done to identify people with mental health problems on the front-end, is the best way to prevent at least some future shootings. We’ve seen time and time again where someone has slipped through the cracks because people didn’t want to say anything. Getting someone help with a mental health counselor and medications if necessary, could completely turn someone around. We need to address the root cause of gun violence. We won’t have all the answers, but we should do at least what we can to help people before it’s too late.
I reiterate that school shootings are horrendous, but the fact remains we have much more serious problems when it comes to locations like south Chicago where it has turned into a war zone. Twice as many young men lose their lives in Chicago in one year, then all the school shootings combined. Where are the marchers? Why isn’t the Left losing their minds over this devastating situation? Once again, it doesn’t fit their narrative. They are shameless.