Now the CDC director wants federal employees to get the vaccine and wear masks. She wants children to spend nine hours a day in school and after school daycare, wearing mask even though there's no science to back this up. Children are currently dying more from the common flu than from COVID. People aren't dying like they were before and they know this. This is why they don't provide numbers regarding how many people are dying from COVID. Believe me, if there was a story there, they'd be all over it.
The CDC is flooded from swamp overflow. They are all about politics, not saving lives. The Biden Administration has used this pandemic all the way back to when he was campaigning. And now he wants to vaccinate all people serving in the military. All the liberals who have yelled about "My body, my rights," seem to throw it all the way when it involves someone else fearing that doing something might ruin their lives. Horrific double-standards but what should we expect out of the most corrupt party in history.