First of all it is Freedom of Religion not Freedom from Religion. No level of government is supposed to put up walls to peoples’ rights to live out their faith as long as it doesn’t break any criminal laws. Meaning if a religion believed in killing and/or stealing certainly the government would need to be involved, this is common sense but beyond this they are to stay out of the way.
Next, our forefathers clearly stated they didn’t want a national religion like the Church of England so they created the separation of Church and State. This doesn’t mean an all-out separation as clearly seen in the investments (tax dollars), they made in colleges that were religious based. There are countless examples over the years of tax dollars used to fund various institutions like Catholic hospitals. Intent and precedence is clearly established that separation was directly intended to prevent the establishment of a national religion.
There are all kinds of religious organizations helping people in need. If our government feels the need to invest tax dollars in Planned Parenthood because of the services they provide why discriminate against other great organizations who are helping our fellow man just because they have a religious affiliation? It doesn't matter if someone was an atheist or a protestant none that I know of discriminate when it comes to the people they serve. If they don't discriminate, why does our government? Once again, they're being punished because of their beliefs which goes against the U.S. Constitution.
Many Liberals get very sensitive when it comes to the issues above which begs the question...why? Are they afraid that Catholics or Southern Baptists will somehow take over our country? What's the worse thing that could happen if our country did what it could to support the pursuit of better morals in our country?