Let me give you a great example of how corrupt the Obama Administration is. Josh Ernest said it wasn’t true that soldiers died looking for Bergdahl that they were on patrol anyway. Each patrol is given a mission of usually one to three objectives. These soldiers went out with one of the objectives being (every time they went out), to see if they could find Bergdahl. Now this information is DIRECTLY from the men on the ground conducting the patrols. Are they lying or is the Obama Administration lying? I’ve never seen a more corrupt Administration in all my life.
Obama neglected to let people know what the Pentagon reported about Bergdahl going AWOL and decided (for political reasons), to get him released by the Taliban (also known as negotiating with terrorists), and cuts yet another appalling deal for the U.S. in giving them five of the terrorists we had captured in return for Bergdahl. Even while writing this it seems like some kind of a crazy fiction but unfortunately it’s not.
Then to add insult to injury, Obama has Bergdahl's parents at the White House for a press conference. His platoon was livid that a deserter and traitor was being honored by the President. Obama has been a disgusting President in so many ways, including this travesty of justice. If Obama grants him a pardon I'll become physically sick. He absolutely knows nothing about the military and its code of honor...I guess that's the problem, he has no code of honor to direct his path.