Why in the world would anyone have wanted to vote for Hillary since she never knew anything about all the scandals she was involved in? It was always other people who were responsible. She didn't know about Ambassador Stevens wanting to shut the embassy down or at the very least get more security when it was in her job description to know. She didn't know that it was illegal to use her own email server for official government business. She didn’t know what was and wasn’t classified material. She wasn't aware of the greatest windfall the Clinton Foundation ($150 million), had ever received nor that it came from the very people who were involved in the Uranium One Deal. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
I think she’s disgustingly corrupt but let's say she's innocent of all the above events, then at the very least she's shown she's a horrendous leader because she never seems to know what's going on around her. I never would've thrived in the corporate world if I had her leadership skills and yet over 60 million liberals were willing to put her in the Oval Office. Add to this that many of them knew she wasn't trustworthy but were willing to vote for her anyway probably because they hated Trump so much.
We had better do something drastic about our vetting process and I mean this for both parties. Electing the candidate that we hate less than the other isn’t a formula for long-term success. I'd like to be proud of whoever is representing our country regardless of party affiliation. Too bad we didn’t coordinate with one another during the last election and cast a no vote for Clinton and Trump and tell the DNC and RNC to start over. We certainly deserve better.