An example with something happening right now. Democrats and the media are fighting with all their might, to demonize Trump for not conceding the election. They're telling everyone that Trump is doing something unprecedented in not conceding and getting on with bringing Biden's team in. Just more lies. They know most people won't remember that Gore made everyone wait until mid-December to concede. What a surprise, they're not providing this information to the public. Not a problem for a lot of us who remember, but that's millions of impressionable young people who don't have a clue about Democrats doing what they're blaming Trump for doing. This is propaganda. This isn't news.
But here's the thing. They're positioning it like Trump is killing Americans because he's not allowing the Biden Administration to save everyone including the Trump Administration. Let's do another role reversal here and think about what might have happened if the roles were reversed at this moment. There's no way. Let me repeat...there's no way, Democrats would've let a Republican President-Elect come in and try and take credit for what has already been done. With the new drugs quickly becoming available, Operation Warp Speed worked.
It was the U.S., who made the most ground in coming up with vaccines, not Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, etc. Although Dems were praising these countries' efforts and progress while demonizing Trump; but was once again the U.S. has come to the world's rescue. I'm not sure that was loud enough...the U.S. came to the world's rescue. And by the way, since I'm sure they'll try it, the medicine will not be distributed in an unethical manner. I know the Dems are going to float stories about white people getting doses faster because that's who they are. They aren't patriots. They want to divide and conquer. They are dangerous.