She probably went overboard in calling the police, but I don't know Starbuck's policy. To be expected, African Americans across the country vilified Starbuck's like there was a systemic problem with them which isn't true. They are very much for diversity of all types. They are far left in their political activeness.
The president of Starbucks got scared about the protesting and is now going to have all the stores closed on one day for all their employees (170,000 or so), to receive training on dealing with African Americans and other minorities. This is how crazy it has become.
I'll repeat, Starbucks doesn't have a problem with race relations beyond this one incident where the manager was attempting to follow company policy. She was fired which blows my mind but once again the president is freaking out. Some legal experts say she can win a lawsuit against Starbuck’s for defamation of character.
By the way, Eric Holder's company will be handling the training. Yet another reason why race baiting by him and people like Al Sharpton is such a lucrative business.