Who is Avenatti? Well, he owes former business partners millions. He owes clients millions when a business he had went under. He owes the IRS over $1 million dollars.
Even with the above, CNN is treating him like a superstar having him on their network over 60 times in just 30 days. Wow! He might as well be an employee at this point (like what they did with the disgraced James Clapper). They don't care that he's a dirt bag if his stories fit within their narrative.
Now he's in even more trouble since he obtained Cohen's financial records. He's not an investigator for the DOJ or FBI, as a private citizen he has no rights to the records. It would be like you or I going after financial records on a fellow employee or a neighbor. It's illegal because of Right to Privacy laws. I guess Avenatti doesn't care since he's already in serious hot water anyway.
The bottom line is he’s a very unethical person who has no problem lying to keep himself in the limelight. The fact that CNN is giving him a platform is just another example of why they get called a Fake News organization.