Texas wants to pass voter I.D. laws and Civil Rights groups are up in arms saying it’s just a tactic to oppress minority voters. Everything becomes about race to these people, it’s what keeps them employed. I just heard a Civil Rights’ attorney say that around 600,000 minority voters would be oppressed in Texas because they don’t have photo I.D.’s.
First of all, where did this attorney get these numbers because they aren’t legitimate? Texas has around 570,000 people who are unemployed and this includes all races. If what she’s saying is true then these 600,000 minorities she’s talking about must not be employed because their employers would’ve required photo identification. They could be working illegally which if this is the case it’s not legal for them to vote anyway.
The fact is, if this attorney’s numbers were legitimate then Texas would have an outrageously high unemployment rate in the state but they don’t. It’s not the first time one of these Civil Rights’ attorneys have just thrown numbers in the air and hope that they stick. They truly believe the end justifies the means; the “end” being to keep their plush jobs.
If someone doesn’t have some form of photo identification he or she can get one from many places including their local CVS or Walgreen’s. The fact is that requiring a photo I.D. for someone to vote isn’t an undue burden on anyone thus from a legal perspective should be lawful for any state to require.
I used to think that requiring an I.D. wouldn’t make much of a difference but seeing how close the electoral votes played out in different states, I’m beginning to think that anything we can do to cut down on even the smallest bit of fraud, is probably worthwhile. By the way, if you research the topic of voter fraud over the last ten years, the Democrat Party is all over it. They too believe the end justifies the means.