1) Trump didn't create millions of jobs for rich people. They didn't need jobs. He created jobs for people who didn't have them and helped provide upward mobility for those looking to get ahead.
2) Trump didn't pull rich white people out of poverty he pulled poor people out of poverty. These hundreds of thousands of people can pridefully purchase food and clothing for themselves instead of using welfare. Can you imagine what this has done for them emotionally? A better self-esteem can change their lives.
3) Trump didn't just increase jobs in large corporations, small businesses across the country have flourished.
4) Trump didn't squeeze out the middle-class, they dropped out of that particular income bracket by going up, not going down. Democrats are talking about the shrinking middle-class and misleading people as to why it's shrinking. I don't know about your income bracket but did your household income go down?
5) Democrats don't want the truth to enter peoples' minds that you can't get a tax break if you don't pay taxes. They somehow were able to get people into a frenzy who weren't even paying taxes, this blows my mind. People who were earning money and were paying taxes got a tax break. Of course they wouldn't get as much of a break from a numbers perspective because they weren't paying as much in taxes in the first place.
From a simple math perspective, if someone was making $100,000 and paying 30% in taxes they'd pay $30,000. If someone was making $30,000 and paid 15% in taxes, they'd pay $4,500. Now let's take a look at what would happen if the lower tax bracket got a 50% better tax reduction than the upper bracket; this is great right? Taking care of the lower tax bracket much more than the upper is an awesome thing. Let's say the rich had their taxes lowered by 5% (25% in taxes versus the 30%), they'd pay $25,000. Then let's say the person making $30,000 had their tax bracket reduced by more than half down to 8% versus the 15%. They'd now pay $2,400 in taxes. One year they're paying $4,500 in taxes now they'd have $2,100 more dollars to spend. Even though this is great and they should be happy, Democrats want them to focus their attention on the person making $100,000 who saved $5,000 on their taxes. They don't want these people to think about the fact that it wasn't their money, the person who made $100,000 was just getting more of their money back. Nothing was stolen from the person making less money. Isn't it crazy that Democrats get away with this non-sense?
6) Democrats bank on the fact that when they demonize the "rich," most Americans don't even know who they're talking about. They make it sound like there are a humongous amount of rich people running around and if we could take more of their money, it would fix our problems. That if we went after the top 1% we could have things like Medicare for All. It's an absolute lie. They are intentionally deceiving taxpayers. I was able to get my hands on an IRS database that didn't provide confidential information about personal tax returns, but it did provide the numbers such as how many tax returns were turned in, how much money was involved, how many deductions were taken, etc. Believe me, Democrats do not want this data out.
There's only .005% of the population who makes more than $10 million dollars. What this means is there are so few of them that we could tax every dollar they make and not be able to pay down college debt; of course this is one of the freebies Democrats are offering. Only around a tenth of a percent of people make more than $1,000,000 or more. The federal government still couldn't take every dollar they made and put a dent into the funding of the freebies Democrats are offering on everyone else's behalf.
The other problem is that it would negatively impact our economy because it would hurt a lot of small business owners. Most small businesses are S-Corps meaning they don't fall under corporate tax rates instead the businesses are taxed based on the owner's income. If they take a hit, jobs take a hit as that's where job growth is coming from. Then 8% of our population makes more than $100,000 a year.
The bottom line is that there isn't enough taxable income at the top to pay for all these things Democrats are promising. You don't have to be an economist to look at a simple spreadsheet like I did and figure out what's going on. People are being duped. Democrats are dividing our country by making it sound like a bunch of rich white people are rigging the system and stealing their money. Oh, how I'd love to go to a town hall meeting to hear someone like Elizabeth Warren speak and then throw some data her way. What could she say, it would be coming directly from the IRS' database. We need to confront these people in public and expose their deplorable tactics.
I could go on but I'll leave it at the above. For these presidential candidates to make the claim that the Trump economy is an economy for rich white people, is absolutely absurd. What's really sad is that they're getting away with it. If it's not too much to ask, I'd like for you to do me a favor if you think this post is worthy. If you have contacts that are interested in politics, copy and paste this post and send it to them. You don't have to include my name, as in no way am I seeking credit. It's about not sitting back and allowing Democrats to drive a false narrative. We owe it to future generations to save them from living in a socialists country. This is no longer a crazy concept; it's real. They're selling socialist ideology day in and day out and many people are buying it. Why not, it sounds like they'll be receivers, not givers. Help me fight the good fight. Thanks!