But the quandary for Hispanics is that they gain more leverage by being counted in the Census and states like California need them to fill out the surveys because it would add to their electoral count. There's no doubt in my mind that if the question of citizenship were added to the survey that even more Hispanics would stop turning them in.
This is why Democrats are fighting so hard against what Republicans are doing in wanting to add the question of citizenship to the questionnaire. They want votes. It's obvious what they're doing and it's obvious what Republicans are doing in not wanting non-citizens greater influence over not only U.S. elections but also expanded voting districts which could affect representation in the House and Senate.
I don't know what the Supreme Court will do but my guess is that there isn't a law that would stop adding the question of citizenship to the questionnaire. Democrats will go down swinging acting like they're fighting for Hispanics' rights but the clout they're using is an absolute waste considering Hispanics already vote for Democrats no matter what level the political office. Sometimes I question their common sense and logic when it comes to political strategies; well, actually, a lot of the time.