The indictment of Igor Danchenko, shows the Clinton campaign was paying for someone to spread a narrative of Trump as an asset of Russia, but having done so with manufactured information that originated with the Clinton campaign itself. Former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, didn't do any legitimate investigating himself (it's not what the Clinton campaign paid him for), instead he just signed paperwork that went to the DOJ that was once again, from the Clinton campaign. The Clintons figuring that a document "written," by Steele would get the DOJ's attention.
So it was the Clinton team feeding this false narrative that they manufactured; in the real world this is fraud among other crimes, some dealing with national security and what should be serious jail time (maybe we'll get to see Hillary in an orange pantsuit). :)
What's really scary is that key people in the FBI knew they couldn't count on the information being legitimate but moved forward with a FISA warrant anyway. They lied to the judge. Never in my life would I have thought the CIA, DOJ, and FBI were so corrupt. Having a pro-American mindset, I find this all very disturbing. Want to improve the situation for in the future, then start letting heads roll in the present.
BTW: Now I know why Hillary was so mad that she lost to Trump. Here she had everyone in her pocket (including the media), and she still lost. I don't think she realized how much some people hated her. She can point fingers all she wants but the primary reason she lost the election is that she's just not a likeable person. She's shady. She's shameless as we clearly saw in the Benghazi hearings. She's fast and furious with lies. In my opinion, she's deplorable.