There are many definitions of morals but most of them boil down to a couple of things: 1) Knowing what is right and wrong which does include established ethics. 2) Motivation to make the right choices. This can be done through sources such as parents but more importantly and impactful, through Jesus’ teachings.
Morals have shaped our most important laws in a variety of areas (i.e. assault, murder, rape, stealing, etc.), thus the Ten Commandments. Morals are also part of business ethics and ethics in general. I don’t know the date all of these areas were considered bad/unlawful to where the behaviors were accountable (some form of judicial system), but at the very least it was 3,000 years ago amazing considering we’re still living by the same laws.
God programmed right and wrong in us and that’s why babies sometimes know when something they’re doing is wrong even though we haven’t told them. Even the earliest of men in the Bible felt the pain of someone taking things from them, killing someone they loved, hurting a family member or friend, etc., and they wanted justice. These good morals were instilled in them through God and their environment. The choices they made as a moral person whether for good or bad falls under free will.
Morals in America have fallen because church attendance has fallen. At one point we were the leading country in church attendance now we’re down to number four. Our status in the world economically and militarily is also on a major decline. Coincidence?
Many in the younger generations know right from wrong they just choose to do wrong because they’re not compelled enough to do right. Attending church as a young person compelled/motivated me to make sound moral decisions…I didn’t always do the right thing but at least I felt guilty about it if I didn’t. :)
There’s no doubt in my mind the greatest way we can fix America is in improving morality in America; through motivating young people to make the right choices. I hate to say this but in my opinion for a lot of them it’s mostly too late. We missed the opportunity early on. We can always hope that when they leave the church they’ll make their way back as this is a fairly common occurrence but less are doing so now. But the bottom line is young people who weren’t brought up in the church in general, don't have as good of a moral foundation.
Fixing the problem is a daunting task because we also have to get adults to make the right choices. We know that young people might not say anything but they notice our behaviors. What are they learning from watching us?
As I mentioned in the beginning, nothing is more critical to fixing our nation’s problems than to address the lack of morals in our country. In my opinion we have a horrendous problem that only God can solve. Besides making the right choices in our lives we need to consistently pray for God’s intervention because without him the United States will not look anything like what we want. The lack of morals will continue to breach our lives. Maybe not enough of us believe America can crash and burn, with this in mind we have yet another huge obstacle to overcome.