But what really gets in my crawl at the moment is how Dems are lying right and left and either their own party members don't know for some reason, or they don't care; which I'm afraid this is part of the problem. As morals go, so goes a country. If there's a single person out there who believes Dems when they're attacking Republicans for not giving up on the presidency until all stones are unturned, must not be aware of the fact that according to history, Dems would fight even harder than Trump's team is at the moment. But what is truth to the Democratic Party but an obstacle to overcome.
Hillary told Biden before the election to never give up the race regardless of the results. By the way this isn't some right-wing conspiracy, I heard and saw her say this to Biden. Biden's team already had lawyers lined up with lawsuits already written before the election. Doesn't sound like he was going to make it a quick, easy, transition.
This is one of the major problems with the Democratic Party because they deploy double-standards which at its core means they lack integrity. How can you talk rationally to someone about their party's policies when they hold themselves morally superior? Can't happen. Democrats have their constituents thinking Republicans are evil for some reason thus this is why they can't get together with Republicans to get things done. If I thought some Dems were evil and not just stupid, it would negatively impact my desire to want to work together with them; it's only natural.