Now major tax reform is on the table once again and more than likely we'll get more of the same as Schumer and Pelosi are already saying Republicans are taking care of the rich with major tax breaks and haven't said a thing about the fact that Trump's tax plan includes major tax breaks for the middle-class. My guess is that major reform which includes simplification of the tax code once gain won't happen. This won't deter politicians from continuing to promise major tax reform on their campaign trails even though they know they're lying. If there's one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that we both have representatives who think we're idiots and will continue to fall for their political games.
Maybe it's time that Democrat and Republican voters come together because there's no doubt that our representatives don't want that as they fuel division between us through political spin. Our enemy isn't the neighbor who put up the Hillary sign or Trump sign, our enemy can be found in Washington D.C. making an extravagant living off of false promises.