A few years ago Senator McCain and our top military leaders said we should go in and help the Syrian rebels as the timing was good as they would have the hearts and the minds of the people. Obama didn't do it.
Then the military leaders came back around later and said we need to get involved because Assad was using chemical weapons on civilians and rebels and that helping them was in accordance with our humanitarian policy. Obama acted like was livid about what Assad did and on national television stated we have established a red line and that he would feel the wrath of the U.S. if he ever did it again.
Assad didn't believe what Obama said (which made sense), so he kept on killing people which was reported back to Obama who chose to do nothing about it. He went into silent mode and never did come back to tell us why he didn’t do what he said he was going to do during the press conference. Terrible leadership! What message does that send other countries? I certainly wouldn’t want to be an ally of ours if you couldn’t trust that we’d follow through on promises.
Obama is responsible for thousands of lives lost in Syria including children, regardless of what Democrats are saying. I’m just using the same standards they put on President G.W. Bush. Now the rebels aren't just fighting Assad but also Russia as we opened the door to their involvement. Russia pretty much took over and demanded no-fly zones which Obama buckled under. Keep in mind I’m just addressing Syria, don't get me started on other middle-eastern countries like Libya.