His greatest skill was preaching (not speaking to), from a pulpit and stirring people up against one another. Think about this, really let it sink in... Senator Obama had nothing to offer. He spoke at the DNC and people thought he sounded good. Wow! I think this is so racist. A partly African American man, has absolutely nothing in his background that qualifies him for President (or winning the Nobel Peace Prize), but he sounded good and looked good.
His political ideology was a horrific match to the average American and his campaign did everything they could to distance Obama from the far-left people he spent decades hanging out and sharing ideas with. What Obama’s Presidential Campaign did in throwing Reverend Wright under the bus, is absolutely disgusting.
As someone once said, it’s not poor people who will hire you. Bill Gates is a genius and it’s his vision that brought hundreds of thousands of jobs to people. His company ended up with more employees who were millionaires than any other company in history. Did he need people to see his vision come to fruition, of course, but he chose who those people would be and based on what he was willing to pay, they became a part of his company. It’s not a chicken and the egg quandary, Gates came first. He built it, so they could come. Is this too difficult to understand?
This is how it works in our country. In most cases employees don’t own the company but they get to make the decision to join a company or not, they aren’t forced to work at Microsoft or any other company. If a better deal comes along from another employer they get to leave. This is just one of the remarkable things about our country. Did you know that in some countries you can’t quit your job? Did you know that even though you might have natural talents in graphic design, the governments in some of these countries might make the decision that you’re a warehouse laborer? Man, we’re blessed to live in the United States.
Obama also had the gall during his anti-business tirade to bring up that businesses benefit from the government (i.e. education, roads, etc.), so businesses owe the government for their help. This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard him say. I guess Obama just didn’t understand that the private sector is what pays for the government not the other way around. There’s no level of government which is a contributor to the success of most companies; they’re a hindrance. Government can’t exist without business, but the opposite is true.
Philosophical community organizers/educators like Obama don’t see the world this way. They’ve got a scarcity mentality. No matter what, they don’t think some people are getting their “fair share.” He believes in “white privilege” so of course this would affect his leadership. On numerous occasions he attacked the police for how they handled various situations only to find out he was wrong. Instead of waiting to hear the whole story, Democrats, the mainstream media, and President Obama led the way to police departments across the country to be attacked by members of the communities they serve. Keep in mind there was absolutely no proof of systemic issues with police brutality against African Americans but there were systemic issues with black on black violent crimes. They didn’t hone in on real problems like in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, because it would mean calling these communities out for their massive share in the problems they face.
I’ve not heard a single liberal bring up that most entrepreneurs must put their assets (i.e. car, home, etc.), on the line to get a business loan. The people I went into business with sure did. People like this often risk everything, yet Obama wants a socialist country where everyone benefits from the success of a company regardless of what they put into it or the risk they took.
Most new companies don’t make a profit for at least two years so are their employees willing to have money taken away from them to keep the business afloat? Are they willing to take a salary reduction for the up-coming year to help the company out? Doubt it. They’d prefer getting paid no matter what. It might sound greedy, but an employer must believe that you will more than pay for yourself; if not, they’d be in trouble and eventually, so would you.
The Left seems to think that corporate America is full of greed and that they are taking advantage of the little people. Who isn’t greedy according to their definition? There are probably millions of people in this country and billions around the world who would like to make what you and I make, so are we being greedy by wanting to make more money? Who gets to decide where greed begins? As usual, Democrats want control of these sensitive issues.
Our country is successful because of our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). All the stuff that’s sold in our country is the fuel that keeps our lives and government afloat. The fact is we owe corporate America because they not only provide us with work they are also huge contributors to funding social needs through the massive amount of tax revenues they provide. Politicians like to take credit for helping the less fortunate but it’s not their money.
I’ve heard some liberals say that an expanded Federal government means more jobs and that the new Federal employees will spend money thus help the economy. But the truth is, money would’ve gone to the economy anyway because any tax relief is generally spent by most taxpayers because we’re not known as savers. I guess these liberals don’t understand where the money to pay for these government employees is coming from. Does anyone else find this scary?
When a job is created in the private sector the taxes we pay go directly towards various government budgets whereas most government employees don’t pay enough in taxes to even pay for their own salaries. If we don’t pay for ourselves in the companies we work for, we’ll be out of a job. Public sector employees don’t have this concern which is why their culture is one of just getting by and not worrying about being innovative. The fact is, innovation is a fuel used in the private sector certainly not a known tool used in the public sector.