We all know the GSA has been involved in a scandal where government employees hired prostitutes and used government money to do so. I strongly believe these men should lose their jobs and be punished for misappropriation of funds or even embezzlement. But here are some things I don’t believe:
1) I don’t believe their supervisor (if not involved in the incident) should lose his or her job unless she was aware of what was happening and didn’t do anything about it. Nor do I feel that anyone else up the ladder should lose his job unless aware of the situation and not taken care of according to GSA policies.
2) I don’t believe Congressional Hearings needed to take place regarding this scandal as there are much more serious issues they should be addressing like our country going bankrupt. It should have been handled at the GSA according to their rules and regulations.
3) I don’t believe Congressional Hearings should take place regarding the GSA spending over $800K on their event. An amount per person should be set for future events and made policy then signed off on by the head of the GSA. Once again Congress doesn’t need to waste their time on $800K when their pork barrel spending is in the billions. If they want to point their fingers at someone regarding waste, they should point it at themselves first. Hearings like this are only for allowing politicians to provide their constituents with sound bites so it looks like they’re fighting for them.
4) I don’t believe anyone at the top should be fired due to the $800K spend because it isn’t realistic that this person would know how much is being spent. It isn’t fair to set a standard that would be no way realistic in the business world. It seems like the only people who get second chances are politicians because they seem to always want someone’s head when it isn’t one of their own.
This event has gotten so much wasted news coverage when there are so many terrible problems in our country most of which stemming from our Legislative Branch. Politicians love having voters side-tracked so we don’t pay attention to the real issues, because it just reminds us of their ineffectiveness.