They say they're for women but attack women who think differently. Keep in mind they're attacking millions of women considering how many are in the Republican Party and the overwhelming amount of married women who voted for Trump. Hardcore liberals making derogatory comments about women who voted for Trump shows no respect for women to where they can have independent thoughts.
They have no problem with famous and wealthy people supporting their Party but demonize capitalists who get involved in supporting the Republican Party. I find it very strange that Democrats somehow tune out the fact that they hang around some of the wealthiest people in the world yet act like they're looking out for the poor and middle-class.
Young Republicans are a pariah on college campuses and are supposedly causing the need for safe spaces, yet they're overwhelmingly good students. They aren't the ones spewing hatred. They're not the ones rioting. They aren't demanding a "Black Out" day where anyone who is African American won't be allowed on campus. They're good kids yet not welcome in the liberal world because they "think" differently. What a waste.
How many times have you heard of liberal speakers being boycotted from conservative colleges like Hillsdale or Liberty University, but the reverse happens all the time? Conservative colleges are very much into freedom of speech, yet they’re called Fascists by ANTIFA groups. It’s the progressive universities where fascism actually exist because they don’t want to hear other peoples’ ideology.
Wouldn't it be great if liberals were inclusive when it came to diversity of thought? Could you imagine how much more effective our young people could be as they enter the "real world" by being exposed to different ideologies and then deciding for themselves what makes the most sense?
Democrats and inclusion are an oxymoron as they pick and choose who they want to include, and it certainly doesn't include people who have different ideas.