The extra things democrats are getting with this legislation include: 1) Green initiatives $369B 2) Deficit Reduction $300B. 3) Increase corporate taxes $333 billion. 4) Expand IRS $124B.
I’m all for reducing our deficit but what’s the reality of the Bill’s inflation reduction capabilities? It’s not real at all. Before voting yes, Bernie Sanders trashed the legislation. In his speech he listed credible agencies, like the CBO, who have stated that the new legislation will hurt inflation, not help it. Democrats are wanting us to believe that these sources, which both parties have been using for decades, are no longer telling the truth. Let’s see, who should we believe? Note sarcasm.
Democrats are doubling the number of employees in the IRS with 87,000 new workers. This will cost taxpayers around $16 billion annually to add these employees. They’ll have more employees than Border Patrol, the FBI, the State Department, and Pentagon combined.
I don’t know about you, but I find this scary especially since the IRS has been caught numerous times going after conservative people and organizations. Remember Lois Lerner. She pleaded the fifth because she was guilty and then she goes off into the sunset to enjoy her lucrative pension.
I would like for you to think about something and really let it set in. They’re adding 87,000 new employees to audit people making over $400,000 a year but this is only around 1.8% of taxpayers. They want us to believe that these new employees are about making sure the wealthy are paying their fair share when there’s no doubt it will be an IRS army going after whomever they wish. Either they twiddle their thumbs because there aren’t enough rich people to go after, or they get their hands dirty doing the dirty work for the Democratic Party. I say it’s the latter.
One last thing, in reference to pieces of the Green New Deal that they worked in, I’ll give you a prediction based on past experiences. Most of the money for climate initiatives will go to liberal states. And as usual, green companies will grow only because they’re subsidized because the market doesn’t support these industries primarily due to inconveniences and costs such as $70,000 for an electric vehicle. It absolutely isn’t realistic.
And then in their usual corrupt fashion, family, and friends of the democrats, will land awesome jobs at these green businesses. Democrats in the House and Senate will leverage the money they now must spend, for their personal gain in various quid pro quos. It’s how they roll. We’re allowing pretty much the worst among us to represent us. I think we should all see a psychiatrist. 😁