Now Mueller's probe has gone places that no one even knows what the investigation is about anymore. Will they get Trump's attorney on something? I don't know but it certainly isn't about the Russian probe. It's reached the point of political justice where the DOJ is trying to find embarrassing stories regarding Trump like the Stormy Daniels' case. If Trump paid money to have a nut case shut up right before the election, it's not's done all the time. If he used campaign funds that would be one thing, but they quickly found out it wasn't the case as money came out of Trump’s personal account to pay his attorney’s monthly bills. There's not even evidence that Trump knew what the money was for...he was just paying his attorney for expenses. Maybe he lied about it and maybe he didn't, but it doesn't matter, what he allegedly did wasn't illegal.
I think the Mueller investigation (a.k.a. wide-net probe), has wasted enough tax payer money. It's time they tell the American people what they've found and close the case and move on to some genuine issues negatively affecting our country.