First, they played the game of demanding that President Trump release the full report. This is a blatant lie as Trump isn't the person with the authority to release the report, it's up to the A.G. They knew that just demanding it, would benefit them politically.
Then they threw out that Barr won't release the full report because he's protecting Trump. They know full well that Barr can't release everything as some of the information is classified because it involves Russia, so it involves current operatives of the CIA. They also know that uneducated people will think that Barr can release the entire report so they can get away with making the claim that Barr is providing Trump with cover. All they need is for Barr to redact just one page of the report and Democrats and the media will say that it's a coverup. It's the game they play.
Next, they'll have hearings bringing in everyone they can including Barr and Mueller to try and trip them up. They're already having and planning meetings that involve everything the CIA, FBI, and DOJ have already investigated regarding Russian collusion. How in the world can members of the House and Senate do a better job of investigating than trained professionals? They've got five minutes each to ask questions and if you've watched hearings before, you know they ask very few questions but instead use their time making political speeches to secure or further their careers. It's how these politicians roll. No substance. No actually solving problems. No addressing of actual needs of U.S. citizens. Just politics as usual.
Democrats had their Plan B as soon as they realized the report would come back in Trump's favor. As with Hillary, they thought for sure they knew what would happen and it went terribly awry for them.
We've got a horrendous period ahead of us where Democrats will be in an even more outrageous fury to bring Trump down. Republicans have too many positives going for them in reference to accomplishments, especially our economic boom, so Democrats know they need to throw a Hail Mary. If anyone thought they could finally enjoy some peace and quiet because the investigation would finally be over, they're sorely mistaken. If you think that unethical behavior in D.C. couldn't get any worse, get ready to have your mind blown.