Think about this for a moment. If someone is making $100,000 a year and gets a 5% increase she'd be making $105,000 the next year and if someone was making $30,000 and got an even better increase of 10%, he'd make $33,000. So even though the "poor" in this case made up more ground (basically things are improving), as a percentage (twice as much in this example), all the liberals focus on is that the rich made more money than the poor.
It would be ridiculous to think that someone who has a higher hourly wage or salary wouldn't have a better chance of increasing the amount of money they bring home just as shown above. Someone could get a much lower salary increase than someone else but still get a better raise dollar wise.
When aren't the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Every year for thousands of years, this has been the case but Democrats in their constant desire to divide our nation come up with crazy phrases to fire up their base and attack conservatives saying it's their fault that this is happening because of their tax code. By the way, if this is true why didn’t Democrats change the tax code when President Obama took office? Instead they thought the Bush Tax Code was working so they chose to keep them in place. So how can they legitimately go after Republicans stating they’re making the rich richer when they’ve been fully on board with the Bush Tax Plan? That's shameless.
You see, the only way to fix the rich from getting richer and the poor from getting poorer based on liberal math, is to raise the tax rate so high that the rich would make less money even though they earn more money. Or, have the people making good money quit their jobs and take on lower paying ones; of course this would be crazy. Democrats say Trump is nuts, but if this is the case (and I’m not saying it isn’t), Pelosi and Schumer need to join him in the asylum.