There are only around 3,000 Klan members across the entire U.S. It's not a thriving organization and certainly isn't accepted as an average white person's ideology, just the opposite. In other words, there is no systemic racism issue in the U.S. A KKK member hasn't been involved in killing an African American since 1983. Before that, it had been twenty years since someone was killed by a member of the Klan. And democrats are more worried about this than a weekend of murders in south Chicago? It' s gone beyond insane at this point.
The above information was shared by conservative guru, Candace Owens (picture below). She told Congress that she's appalled that democrats constantly bring up white racism. In other words, she said if she were to write 100 problems that African Americans face, white supremacy isn't one of them. She stated that she knows of no African Americans who are worried about white supremacists, so she asked why was Congress having hearings about it? She got no answer, they said they'll do the questioning.
No democrat, after the hearing, would comment on what Candace Owen said. What could they say? She made them look like fools. The sickening part is that this kind of stuff goes on all day because of democrats. What have their hundreds of hearings produced for the American people? Absolutely nothing for us but everything for them. It's how they roll.