Carl walked up to the man and asked what he was doing to which the guy replied I'm saving the Starfish. Carl looked up and down the beach which was littered with the creatures and shook his head and said to the man that what he was doing was futile because there was no way he could make a dent in saving the Starfish because there were so many. The man looked at Carl then down at the Starfish in his hand and threw it into the ocean. He then replied to Carl: "I made a difference in that one's life."
The moral to this story is we don't have to save the world. We don't have to look at the massive tasks in front of us and get too overwhelmed, we just need to do the best we can, with what we can, and whenever we can. Doing the best we can is enough and if enough of us try to do the same, we can make a dent in this world...quite simply, it's all God asks.