Every time someone comes out with a report, we find there’s a variety of interests in the reporting. Meaning, they use people who are “global experts” to conduct the research and it’s in their best interest to say there’s a problem because they’re paid for their research. If they can create a problem or inflate a problem, the money keeps flowing. This is not anything new.
There’s no doubt in my mind that global warming exists, but what some liberals say we need to do to combat it, is absurd. They demonize the manufacturing industry when they’re not the primary cause for the problem which I’ll get into in a moment.
Let me first point out that it’s very difficult for a global warming ambassador to explain why they use what’s happening on the west coast of California (heat and wildfires), while just a 1,000 or so miles away, people are wet and freezing. They have no answer that makes any common sense. They also can’t explain why the last two years of average temperatures in the U.S. are less than normal. If we’re warming up, we’re warming up.
I’m sure you’re aware that in the 70’s, some climate change experts were concerned there would be another ice age. This benefited them as governments started providing them with funds for their research. Then the numbers didn’t add up, so they went with global warming. Then once again the research was conflicted, and a bunch of theories were presented that scientists continued to debate. Those reports that were pushing global warming, were the ones we heard about from Democrats and the mainstream media.
Then a more recent report came out that over the last 100 years the temperature has risen 1.5 degrees. Did you ever ask yourself why this just came out? The data was there all along, why didn’t they come out five years ago and tell us pretty much the same thing? You can believe if they needed to, they would have but their coffers are running out and they need more research funds now. Let me reiterate, now or they’ll start losing scientists and profits.
Al Gore did what he could through speeches and movies to push the narrative and where did the money come from to produce the films, governments and research organizations who would benefit through scaring people to believe that it’s up to us to save the planet. Al Gore became a multi-millionaire when he was pretty much broke after he left the Senate and had his failed presidential run.
What I find embarrassing, from a humankind perspective, is how many people didn’t challenge him on if he really cared about the planet, why did he buy a corporate jet, and burn a massive amount of fuel when he could’ve flown first class on a commercial airliner. If he did this, he wouldn’t have added to the problem he was preaching about.
Quite frankly, people who are struggling to survive and those who are living on the streets, certainly don’t care about global warming. They’re looking for solutions to their problems here and now. Global warming and climate change, are created problems for political fodder. Liberals say Republicans don’t care about the planet because they’re greedy, and Democrats are trying to save the world so please send in donations to the DNC, so they can do it. It’s just a game to them and we’re the victims.
I do believe the earth is getting hotter but it’s not from above, it’s from below. The main culprit isn’t CO2 emissions, it’s population growth. We’ve all been out in the sun during a hot day when we were miserable. We’ve all stepped in the shade and it was better, usually around 15 degrees cooler. The breeze that was blowing when we were in the heat, felt warm, whereas the breeze in the shade felt cool. We could feel the ground in the heat compared to the ground next to a tree and there would be a world of difference. Now we too can call ourselves, global warming research scientists.
As the population has grown around the world, trees have been the victims. The rainforest has taken a huge hit. Even in the area I’m in now, around twenty years ago there were woods all over the place, now there are developments all over the place. The ground is hotter and warm air rises so if anyone were to have checked the temperature here 100 years ago to where it is now, of course it ticked up a notch; it would be strange if it hadn’t.
Scientists and research companies don’t make money if they say that global warming is due to population growth. Where would they go from there? There isn’t anything they can do about it. They must have research that shows where their continued research is necessary to change the behaviors of those of us living here. It doesn’t matter what the topic when it comes to politics, it’s always about the money; as they say, follow the money.
Now that researchers have received so much backlash because people are catching on to their boy who cried wolf mentality, that many of them have began using the term “climate change.” We’ve now gone from another ice age, to global warming, and now climate change. It’s a smart move. They can blame everything on climate change. This hurricane season they mentioned that climate change is to blame for record level losses.
Here’s what they’re not saying…if you take the last 100 years, the first 50 had more hurricanes then the last 50. When they’re talking about damages/losses, they’re talking about money. Of course, there’s more losses because more and more of the beaches on the east coast are built out and the homes on average are way more expensive. Larger losses are eminent but have nothing to do with the frequency of hurricanes or their power. Once again, they're intentionally lying.
Think about what I’ve shared with you. I’m not a global climate expert, I’ve just done a lot of homework, but the information I provided doesn’t take someone to be an expert on climate change, it’s just common sense and logic. I just wish more people understood what was happening and that they’d become irate how they’re being taken advantage of. Democrats, with the support of the mainstream media, are using this issue for votes and research companies are using it to fuel their research; it’s their livelihoods, if they have no research to conduct, what would they be doing? It is always about the money.