Jim Acosta, along with Sam Donaldson (ABC News), have been the worst White House correspondents of all time. They totally disrespected journalists from other networks who tried to get their questions answered. Do you remember when he wouldn't hand the mike to another reporter? He was rude to every White House press secretary. He was argumentative every day in an effort to get exposure. He got caught in numerous lies. Easily found if you Google it.
For Don Lemon to put himself on a pedestal and attack Peter is beyond disgusting. CNN has no credibility to point their fingers at anyone regarding anything. Don, like Acosta, has been caught lying numerous times. It's actually a nightly occurrence at this point. The thing is, that unlike most companies, lying doesn't get you fired at CNN, it gets you promoted.
What's so offensive at what Lemon said is that Peter is a phenomenal correspondent. He asks tough questions because a lot of the other media aren't asking them. This doesn't mean he should be shut out like Lemon is proposing. What Peter is doing is called journalism. He doesn't shout at Psaki like Acosta did again and again during the Trump Administration. And if you go to YouTube and pull up Doocy in action in the press room and compare it to Jim Acosta, it is absolutely night and day.
Peter is respectful. Other journalists love him, but they hated Acosta. Viewers of Fox News have questions about what's going on and he's trying to get answers. Shouldn't the White House be happy that they get to clarify issues that half the population want answers to? I guess not. Begs the question why? What happened to their promised transparency? They're about as transparent as a Black Hole.
Even though some networks are major competitors, they draw the line at anyone not allowing them access. They've fought for each other over numerous issues over the years in an effort to preserve journalistic integrity. But that's not how CNN works, and they are starting to reap what they've sown and I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm sure everyone knows the real reason why CNN is attacking Fox News and that is they're getting walloped by them. They can't stand that Fox continues to get better as far as their numbers are concerned, while CNN is drowning in a sea of lies.
Pictured below are our two heroes from CNN, Don "The world's on fire!," Lemon, and Jim "I never met a lie I didn't like," Acosta. 😉 The picture below them is of Peter Doocy and his father Steve, who also works at Fox News. Both are strong Christian men who've dedicated themselves to helping others in their community.