As we know, Planned Parenthood has taken a hit when it comes to receiving taxpayer dollars, so the Biden Administration has done an end-around to still take care of them. Apparently, several affiliates of Planned Parenthood are getting COVID loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) that they weren't qualified to receive. They were fast-tracked and the loan amounts were more beneficial for these organizations than an average SBA loan.
Here's where it gets really ugly. Planned Parenthood was classified as a small business by the Biden Administration. They have 97 times more employees than what a qualified small business has.
I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. The above is illegal. The woman Biden put in charge of the Small Business Administration, if involved in what happened, should face criminal charges. The question is, how far up the food chain are things rotted?
Oh, and by the way, the Senate's Oversite Committee had to subpoena records from the new head of the SBA because they weren't answering questions about where the money went and how much. The SBA isn't a top-secret organization. For Oversite to be forced to obtain records, is shocking. The least transparent organization ever.
This is so strange. I never thought the Biden Administration would end up being the most corrupt in U.S. history. Lawsuits will be flying for years over all the crimes committed. But since we're talking about the federal government, chances are much lower that anyone will do real time in prison. Just more double standards.