Smart move on their part, because they know what would happen to them if they did run again. They also know that if they did win, it wouldn't be a good time to serve when republicans take control of the House and Senate. It will be payback time and boy do they deserve it.
In other news, a man from Philadelphia, who was a groom, stepped outside to get some fresh air and was robbed by two assailants. Some things to think about:
1) African Americans have fought hard to not have reporters mention when crimes are committed by blacks. So once again, liberals want to hide the truth. No problem mentioning if a white person was involved in a crime, as a matter of fact, it's encouraged.
2) If all around the country, in major cities, whites were committing crimes against African Americans, they would be demonized. They'd get the maximum sentence for political reasons because regardless of the truth, prosecutors would throw in the charge of a hate crime. It's what they do in these democrat-controlled cities.
3) Crimes against whites have increased substantially and wouldn't you know it, not a peep from the mainstream media. Sickening double standards.