Around 80% of children who are questioning their gender, no longer question it when they hit puberty; they remain with their current gender. Of the 20% who do want to change, roughly 42% of them will commit suicide sometime during their lifetime (our national average is around 4%). Around 40% of these, are individuals who officially went through the transition. Basically, this means that having the surgery didn't change some of their desires to live; their happiness levels didn't change.
I feel sorry for those who are conflicted regarding their identify especially knowing how sad most of them really are, but, I refuse to let the tail wag the dog meaning they only make up a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the U.S. population and I don't need to change the way I speak like deploying gender pronouns. I promise you this, changing the way I speak won't stop their massive suicide rates. Their community seems to look outside for solutions when the primary issue is on their insides.