I don’t see where it makes sense for the military to take on people with Gender Identity Disorder who haven't transitioned yet but I leave it up to the military experts who know whether someone would help or hurt our military readiness. There are a few thousand people serving in the military who are transgender and they might be doing a great job so in no way would I want them removed. I don't know what they told the recruiter but every recruit must pass mental and physical exams in order to serve so this can be an issue for the transgender community which I'll explain in a moment .
What would very much concern me if I were a military recruiter is the fact that over 40% of those in the transgender community commit suicide. This is a tragedy but I can certainly understand why this might happen. With this in mind, a recruiter is supposed to screen candidates and I’d be very worried about bringing someone on board who could be a danger to themselves or others based on the type of occupations there are in the military.
I find it absolutely ridiculous that the mental health community is playing the political correctness card when it comes to transgenders serving in the military. By the very definition of what constitutes a mental disorder, transgenderism applies because it’s a mental state which causes an extreme amount of duress; it’s even called a Gender Identity Disorder (GID), in the psychiatric community.
People who are transgender experience a tremendous amount of duress and stress over their terrible situation as seen by their astronomical suicide rates. There are certainly service men and women who suffer from bi-polar, depression, and PTSD, but they wouldn’t have been recruited if these things were known up front. Why the exception for Gender Identity Disorder if a recruiter is made aware of it?
The military also attempts to recruit people who are physically healthy to limit medical costs as the military budget is tight. This is primarily why you have to be less than 35 years of age to join the military even though there are a lot of people in their 40’s and 50’s who are in great shape. With age comes health problems and the military doesn’t want to have to spend a lot of money on medications and surgeries. People who are transgender not only need medication for mental and physical needs such as hormone therapy which runs around $1,200 a month, but they also are required to receive professional counseling in Gender Identity Disorder because of the critical personal choices they must make.
I’ve brought up the issue in a previous post but in no way do I think the military should pay for any aspect of transgender surgery which in recent estimates is $132,000. This is the equivalent of five years of military pay for an enlisted soldier.
Paying for transgender surgery would be an extremely huge incentive for people who want to transition to join the military. This would be a more expensive benefit than offering to pay veterans to get a four year college degree after they leave service. At least the money taxpayers would spend on a college degree would provide some return on investment; what’s the return in paying for someone to change their gender identity? Absolutely nothing.
I realize that in the scheme of things we’re probably not talking about a massive amount of costs because I don’t see people who are transgender flooding into the military but it’s still wrong and liberals shouldn’t be able to PC their way out of this one. Why take on any additional costs that aren’t warranted; the government waste enough money as it is.
Even the Rand Report regarding this issue that was research sanctioned by the Obama Administration said that: "Transgenderism in the military would cause minimal impact on cost and military readiness." Notice it didn't say no impact. What is the benefit of taking on any negative impact at all regardless of how minimal (a relative word), the report said it would be? Keep in mind, this was an Obama Administration report so "minimal impact" to them might mean something entirely different to our military.
The military doesn’t need to bring people in who won’t be dependable. An average person who goes through a gender transition is disabled for approximately 238 days total. I’m not sure I was ever out sick when I served but if I would’ve become ill, my fellow sailors would have had to work double and triple shifts to help cover for me. For someone to be able to go out to receive transgender surgery and not be available to serve, is a military readiness issue. People being out can be dangerous to a military unit because of the impact of sleep deprivation in very dangerous jobs. I promise you that someone taken off of the duty roster isn’t received well and negatively impacts a unit’s morale.
Like I wrote earlier, I don't have a problem at all with people from the transgender community serving in our military if military experts believe they can do a great job, they don't costs more than any other person serving in the military, and they won't be out excessively on medical leave.
No group in the military whether gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., should be treated any differently than another group which I'm afraid is what the transgender community is pushing for in this case; but I could be wrong. If they want the military to pay for any aspect of their gender transition and need way more time off than other people serving in the military, then they are asking for special treatment and this is wrong.
I’m shocked that this issue has become such a hot button topic considering all the other extremely important issues that are happening here and around the world. Liberals have once again focused on the far left while leaving the average American’s major issues behind. You’d think they would’ve learned a few lessons from the last election but they clearly haven’t.