Well, welcome to Bernie Sanders' dream come true it's just that we didn't know politicians (many who are Ivy Leagers), were already doing this with our money. Welcome to free college tuition, room, and board. Even Obama enjoyed getting a full ride at Harvard from federal tax dollars. Did you get a thank-you note from him?
And who's getting this money? That would be minority students. Not just any minority students, but African Americans get most of the financial aid even though there are substantially more Hispanics in our country than the black segment. Just goes to show how effective their lobbying efforts are. Partly because of it, white students are underrepresented in places like Harvard, by 39%. What did they do to deserve this?
Coincidentally, there are lawsuits galore, some being reviewed by the Supreme Court, where it's alleged that Asian American students are being turned down from attending these elite universities in favor of African Americans students who don't have as strong as qualifications. Basically, they're justifying fixing racism by using racism. Wow. They don't sound so smart now.