- It was called the Iran Nuclear Deal for a reason as it didn’t become a treaty because of potential fallout if Congress had to vote on it. Because it wasn’t a treaty, Trump could do whatever he wanted with it so the fault is with the Obama Administration for not locking the negotiations down.
- The Obama Administration hid aspects of the deal such as sending over $1 billion in cash in a middle of the night flight to Iran. We were never told about this part of the deal and it only came out because a picture turned up showing the cash sitting on pallets on a military aircraft. Why did they try to hide this from us? If what they were doing was a great deal, why did they try to pull an end around? Along with this, they unfroze some of Iran’s assets and it has already been determined that some of the money has been used to sponsor terrorism. It’s who they are, why in the world did Obama think they would change?
- Contrary to what Democrats are saying, Iran never followed through on key elements of the deal. The most critical being they never did allow what the Obama Administration called: “Inspections anytime, anywhere.” Iran chooses when inspections take place. They use their own inspectors who take samples of the uranium to see if it is enriched at weapon’s grade. Let me reiterate…they are doing what they want with inspections and the Obama Administration, along with the administrations of leaders from other countries who signed the deal, are hiding this from their citizens. They certainly aren’t going to admit they made a bad deal and the mainstream media is providing Democrats with cover. I don’t care if a bad deal is made, it’s going to happen no matter who is president, but take ownership of it and fix it, don’t lie to us about it.
- Democrats were lying to us by saying Iran hasn’t increased uranium production and when this was found to be false, they moved on to another story saying it doesn’t matter that Iran is increasing production because it isn’t weapon’s grade uranium. Iran wants more uranium in storage knowing that enriching it to weapon’s grade (nuclear missiles), would only take around three to six months. Why do they need so much uranium if they don’t plan on using it? It would be like negotiating a deal with a country that they would no longer be allowed to manufacture guns and they follow through but also drastically increase the production of bullets. You’d have to be an idiot if you can’t put two and two together.
- There were tens of thousands of Iranians in the streets chanting “Death to America,” at the same time John Kerry was cutting the Nuclear Deal with Iran. Why in the world would anyone make a deal with a country that wants them wiped off the face of the earth? This isn’t speculation, they’ve been very clear that they want to destroy both Israel and the U.S. How could anyone think they would be able to negotiate a deal in good faith, when the other side think’s they’re evil?
- The Obama Administration cut a deal with a country that was ranked number one in global terrorism (they still are). Democrats and the mainstream media get on Trump for “cozying,” up to leaders like Putin and Kim Jung Un, while giving Obama a pass for working with the Supreme Leader of Iran. Let’s also not forget that the press has somehow buried the fact that it was the Obama Administration who aggressively courted Putin. Remember Hillary and the reset button? The double-standards by Democrats and the mainstream media are horrendous and they very much diminishes their integrity.
In an attempt to salvage the deal, John Kerry broke the law (The Logan Act), when he confidentially went to Iran and told them not to worry about Trump’s sanctions. He said Trump isn’t respected in the U.S. and all that Iran needs to do is wait him out. Let this sink in. He usurped the President of the United States, who was trying to do his best to ensure national security. Could you imagine what Democrats and the mainstream media would’ve done if Senator McConnell worked behind the scenes with Iran when the Obama Administration was attempting to cut a deal? They wouldn’t have stopped until he was arrested, there’s no doubt about it. But what happens when Kerry, a Democrat, does it, it’s swept under the rug. Disgusting!
No foreign policy is going to be perfect, but in my opinion, the best thing we can do with a country as evil and untrustworthy as Iran, is to bury them economically with sanctions. Throughout the history of mankind, military powers needed a robust economy to survive. The Roman Empire sure learned this hard lesson.
The good thing is that a policy isn’t carved in stone. If any foreign policy isn’t working, it can be tweaked or replaced altogether. Think about it, Democrats want everyone to believe that it is the end of the world if Trump rolls out something bad. They are like Chicken Little screaming the sky is falling with every decision he makes. Why so many people keep falling for it, is beyond me.