Since leadership from sanctuary cities have been saying for years how great it is to have illegal immigrants coming into our country and they should be protected, Trump stated there's no better place to put them. These places would surely accept the illegal immigrants with open arms and protect them from I.C.E. agents. The Trump Administration could move families to these cities so there would be no need for any kind of family separation. Being moved to sancturary cities is exactly what most illegal immigrants would want so why are these cities so upset about taking them in?
What Democrats are conveniently leaving out of their attacks on Trump, is that President Obama eased over-crowding by moving illegal immigrants to various places around our country. Keep in mind, most of the places he sent illegal immigrants to weren't areas that were sanctuary cities. Most of the places Obama used didn't want them. They didn't want the burden. Trump's just saying that since it has been a policy to catch and release to ease overcrowding that he'll send these people to locations who have said they welcome them. What's wrong with that?
So even though it would be a great deal for illegal immigrants, liberals from these sanctuary cities are outraged with President Trump for saying he's going to do it. Why should they be mad? If they're truly cities who support illegal immigration, shouldn't they gladly welcome these people in? Leaders in the Democratic Party, like Nancy Pelosi, have attacked Trump non-stop for not taking care of people on the border so why not let San Francisco help these people out? Why isn't Pelosi excited about the opportunity to help this humanatarian crisis? Maybe it's because many of these sanctuary cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, have some of the largest homeless populations in the country. They have serious problems on so many levels they can't handle taking on illegal immigrants even though they say these people need to be taken care of and they point their fingers at Republicans for not doing it.
They don't want to bring these people in because they know it will negatively impact their economies even though publicly they've claimed that illegal immigrants are good for our economy. They know that even if every able bodied person who were sent to their cities, got a minimum wage job, that it wouldn't provide these people with enough money to sustain their wellbeing without governement assistance. Cities like Chicago, New York City, and San Francisco, are extremely expensive to live in. They would need to subsidize the illegal immigrants standards of living through various state welfare programs. Trump's making them face this reality.
Their schools are already overcrowded, where will they put these thousands of new students flooding the city every month? They wouldn't be able to build schools fast enough, remodel schools to accommodate more classrooms, and get the number of teachers necessary to transition students into the educational system through making sure they're component enough at English to effectively learn in the classroom.
Politicians in sanctuary cities have once again been exploited for not walking the talk. Now everyone knows they were just playing politics by screaming about the problems at the border without truly being willing to do anything about it. Why should they? Their cities weren't being negatively impacted by illegal immigration to the levels border cities have been experiencing for years. They know better than anyone, the negative impact of illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities have been perfectly fine with illegal immigrants stopping their journeys and flooding places like Houston. It's the old saying that it's not a problem until it's your problem. Trump is making it their problem.
Liberals who support sanctuary cities have been called out. Their rhetoric has caught up with them. Trump is exposing Democrats for playing politics with illegal immigration. His objective is to get new immigration policies and of course funding for the border wall, more border patrol agents, and new technology to address border patrol's needs. He wants immediate action and he knew threatening sanctuary cities with large amounts of illegal immigrants, would throw gasoline on the fire. Quite frankly Trump is disgusted by Democrats and Republicans both for not reaching bi-partisan agreements that would address the problems at the border and protect U.S, citizens' livelihoods. Politicians have been promising for decades that they'd produce comprehensive immigration reform, but have done nothing. If you and I didn't get the job done where we work, we'd get fired.
I've got to say, I'm loving watching their outrage over something that Trump has done to help illegal immigrants. I say get buses rolling of illegal immigrants to places like Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, etc. Let's give them a chance to share the love that they've been promising for years.