It's disgusting and this is what supposedly highly educated people are reading. Donald Trump has been in the spotlight for decades and people weren't calling him racist but ever since he ran for President and now won, the Left is attacking him. They made it sound like he was a racist just because organizations like the KKK supported him. What about how members of the Black Panther Party supported Hillary? Talk about a racist group.
One of Trump's closest friends is African American and he's done business with African American businesses for years. What about the fact that his companies have a great record in reference to the low number of discrimination lawsuits?
Trump's not a racist. There's no evidence of this that's credible. He doesn't care about gender, race, sexual orientation, etc., as long as you can help make him money. The fact that the mainstream media is constantly trying to tie him to racism is just more proof that they are extremely liberally biased.
The bottom line is there's plenty of things to get Trump on so there's no need to fabricate stories especially something like this that divides our country.